How to Leave a Discord Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Leave a Discord Server: A Complete Guide

Discord is a famous communication tool for players, communities, and companies as well. While joining Discord servers can be exciting, there may come a time when you decide to leave a server for various reasons. In this article, we will guide you through the process of leaving a Discord server and provide additional information on related topics such as transferring ownership, deleting a server, and managing your Discord account effectively.

How to Leave a Discord Server
How to Leave a Discord Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

Leaving a Discord Server

Leaving a Discord server is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps. Follow these instructions to leave a server:
Launch the Discord App or website and log into the account you are using.
Locate the server you wish to leave in the server list on the left-hand side of the screen.
Right-click on the server's handle to open an additional menu.
From the menu, select "Leave Server" and confirm your decision when prompted.
By following these steps, you will successfully leave the Discord server and remove it from your server list.

Transferring Ownership on Discord

If you are an administrator or the owner of a Discord server and wish to transfer ownership to another member, here's what you need to do:

Access your Discord server and navigate to the "Server Settings" by clicking on the server name.
Select the "Members" tab from the left sidebar.
Locate the member you want to transfer ownership to and right-click their name.
Through the context options, select "Transfer Ownership" and accept the action when asked..
Remember, only the current server owner has the ability to transfer ownership to another member. Choose the new owner carefully as this action cannot be undone.

Deleting a Discord Server

If you are the owner of a Discord server and wish to delete it permanently, follow these steps:

  1. Launch your Discord program or website and enter in to the account you are using.
  2. Navigate to the server you want to delete in the server list.
  3. Open the "Server Settings" by going on the name of server.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the settings and select the "Delete Server" option.
  5. Confirm your decision by entering your server name and clicking "Delete."
  6. Please note that deleting a server is irreversible. All data, including channels, messages, and members, will be permanently removed.

Deleting a Discord Account

If you decide to delete your Discord account entirely, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Discord website and sign into your account.
  2. Click on the gear icon located near the bottom-left corner to access your User Settings.
  3. In the settings menu, select the "My Account" tab on the left sidebar.
  4. Navigate to the bottom and press on the "Delete Account" choice.
  5. Follow the prompts to confirm your decision and provide any necessary information.
Deleting your Discord account will remove all your data, messages, friends, and server memberships. This move is final and cannot be reversed.

Additional Tips and Information

Discord Bots: Discord bots are automated programs that perform various tasks on Discord servers. They can help with moderation, music playback, and much more. Explore the official Discord bot directory or third-party websites for bot recommendations that suit your server's needs.

Discord Server Icons: Customize your server's appearance by setting a unique server icon. It helps users identify your server easily. To change the server icon, access the "Server Settings" and click on the current icon next to the server name.

Discord Support: If you encounter any issues or have questions about Discord, visit the official Discord support website for comprehensive guides and resources. You can also join the Discord Testers server to provide feedback and report bugs.

Discord Roles Ideas: Roles on Discord allow you to assign specific permissions to different members. Get creative with role ideas to enhance your server's organization and community engagement. Consider roles like "Moderator," "VIP," or "Content Creator" to recognize and empower active members.

Discord Servers: Discord servers are communities where users gather to discuss shared interests, play games, or socialize. Explore various server directories or ask friends for recommendations to find servers that align with your preferences.


Leaving a Discord server: A Discord server may be left at any time with only a few clicks. This article has given you step-by-step directions on how to leave a server, transfer ownership, or delete a server or an account. You may improve your Discord experience and get the most out of this flexible platform by following these instructions and leveraging extra Discord features like bots, server icons, and roles.

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